Monday, June 3, 2013

Yup! It Is Really Happening!!!

There is so much running through my head right now, that I am still trying to process a lot of the information that Paul and I heard today.  Let's just start with the basics.  Dustin is sworn into active duty tomorrow in Lansing at 10 a.m.  From there, he will head to the airport (we think in Lansing, could be Grand Rapids) and fly out around 12:30.  The way I understand it (and I could be wrong) is that the first time he was sworn into the Army it was as a Reservist due to his still being in High School.  So, this time will be for full-time active duty.  When he gets to Fort Sill, OK., he will go through some processing and should (hopefully) be able to call home with an address and Battalion number.  His estimated date of graduation is Sept. 30, 2013.  When he finds out what Battalion and such, we will have a more definite date.  Also each Battalion has its own Facebook page.  So, we will be able to keep up some with that.  Due to Dustin's status, he will go right through BTC (Basic Combat Training) and straight to AIT (Advanced Individual Training).  No break in between.  After that, there are a few scenarios.  We will discuss that when the time comes.  Or at least when I have some more solid information.  As for phone calls, that is going to be up to the Drill Sargent.  They all do it differently.  He may be able to call home once a week or less.  Then again...there has been stories of some of the soldiers getting their phones back at 7p.m. every night and being able to call home more.  Another, Army "unsure" thing.  There are a lot.  Especially for a soldier in Dustin's position.  That is about all I can tell you at this point.

He was able to call me from the hotel tonight.  I had to break the bad news to him about his brother.  For those that don't know, Dustin's younger brother (Dylan) not only had to say goodbye to his older brother today, but he had some of his stuff stolen at school.  Dylan has good moments and bad ones.  To be expected.  These two boys are very close.  Probably a very good thing Dustin is in Lansing, right now, because he was not a happy all.  Then, there is Shelby.  Sweet girl is so supportive and positive.  She is so proud of her older brother.  Funny that these two were just yelling their heads off at each other a week ago.  Shelby and I had a little time together earlier this evening.  We were talking about how great the community has been.  It means (and helps) so much.  I worry so much about the two of them and how they are handling this.  So does Dustin.  It helps him to know that others are looking out for us.

As for Paul and I, there were some very hard pills to swallow today.  As hard as they were, they were answers.  The answers where not what every mother and father want to hear about what their 18 year old son will be doing for a living.  (And again I ask, "Why couldn't he had just chose to be a cook?  Not who he is, I know.")  But it was more then we knew when we left the house this morning.  It was also a confirmation that "Yup!  This is really happening!  Something we really needed right now.  It's scary, but it does make it easier to handle.  Double-edged sword, is what it is.  No matter which way you slice it, it cuts deep.  The funny thing is, Dustin seems so excited.  He really is ready for this.  After today, no doubt that he does not regret his decision.  The most important thing for him right now is keeping a clear head.  I have said this before, and will again...the most important things we can all do for Dustin is take care of each other, send love and support, and pray.  We need to let him do the job he needs to.  Trust me, he is in good hands and will be well trained.  For at least the next 16 weeks he is safe.  That means so much more then you will ever know to this Army mom and dad.  So the current goal for us (other then getting our family, friends, community, and Dustin through this) is getting into our new house and staying as healthy as possible.  That way he has no worries and a place to relax (and he is going to need it) when he gets home.  There are no words to describe the feelings we have running through us tonight.  I think of all the other Army moms and dads out there and my heart goes out to them.  I pray that their son and daughters are safe wherever they are.  I am learning that it is a day by day process.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.  I am also learning that sometimes, no news is good news.  Someone recently told me, "I love my country, but I love my son more."  If I could reply to that right now, I would say, "The love for a country and the love for a son can not be compared.  It is the sacrifice my son is willing to take, for the country I love, that is the difference."  I always knew Dusty would make a difference in his own way.  He has always had such a big heart and done the right thing.  Did I want him to do it in this manner?  Not necessarily.  However, it is how he decided to do it.  I support him all the way.  Again thank you all so much.  We send our love and prayers.  There is no way to express our gratitude.  I will try to update you all tomorrow night.  Much love and many blessings!!!!      

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