Friday, June 28, 2013

One Simple Phrase

These past few years, I never realized how much my children really paid attention.  Not only to what I was going through, but how I was going through it.  For those that don't know, I have Addison's Disease and a deforming form of Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis.  My three children went from having a young, energetic mother to having a tired, often sore, and (in some ways disabled) mom.  This has all happened within a very short period of time (about 5 years).  Yet, through it all, I have tried to keep positive and use my issues to show them that what you go through in life isn't important.  It's how you go through it.  Well, yesterday it was made very clear that Dustin was listening.  We got two letters.  In one, he had said that it was a hard day.  His words, "We got smoked today."  The next phrase is what brought tears to my eyes.  It was, "That which does not break us, only makes us stronger, right mom?"  It was his way of saying, mom if you can do it, I can.  Not only was he listening, but he was learning from it.  He took all those moments, and used it to get him through one of his toughest.  I could never imagine what he is going through.  On the flip side, he could never know what I go through.  But somehow, his ability and my disability found away of coming together thousands miles away.  As parents, we question the things we teach our children.  Did we prepare them for life well enough?  What kind of adults will they become?  Are they ready?  In one simple phrase, that question was answered for me.  The funny thing is, that has the letters keep coming, I realize that he is happy.  He absolutely loves the Army.  Leave it to my kid to think Boot Camp is cool.  Ha!  As I suspected, he had not received any of our letters yet.  I am reassured that it is the process of getting them to him that is the hold up.  I am okay with that.  He keeps writing and so do I.  He is going to have so much reading to do when everything gets to him, it isn't funny.  So his reading skills will get a workout as well.  Ha!

Both his letters were very positive.  He proceeded to fill me in on the current spider population in Oklahoma.  Ha!  Illustrations and all.  Ha!  He is excited to celebrate his first Fourth of July on a military base, even in Boot Camp.  I have always told stories of when I was a kid and how the celebrations on Army bases were just different.  I am glad he is getting to experience some of the things he has only heard stories about.  He also informed me that his first experience with the gas chamber was coming up this week.  I cringed, but know it is a must.  We can tell ourselves what we want, but it doesn't change the fact that it is Boot Camp, not Summer Camp.  They are all there for a reason.  It isn't suppose to be easy.  Somehow, in every letter, he gets more positive.  I am sure some of it is because he doesn't want me to worry.  Yet, I can't help but see a change happening.  Don't get me is a good change.  My husband and I have talked about it.  He is changing from a child to a man.  Not just any man, but a soldier.  Bittersweet, but we knew it would happen.  The little boy that only dreamed about being G.I. Joe is slowly becoming him.  I am so proud.  I am prouder, yet, that he is with such a positive and wonderful group of young people.  Some of you have checked out Bravo Battery's Facebook page and Bravo Battery Boosters Facebook page.  I have started to get to know some of the family members to the wonder people Dustin is with.  They are a very supportive group.  If you get a chance you can check them out.  I ask that you keep them all in your prayers.  What a wonderful example of support and love they are.  Again, I thank you for your continued support.  Not just to my family, but to others just like it.  It means more then you could ever know.  Everyday, someone asks us about Dustin.  It only shows how much this town cares.  We love and are proud of all of you.  Much love and many blessings from this proud Army mom!!!        

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