Sunday, June 9, 2013

A long Way From Home

Well, tonight was harder then I thought it would be.  It is funny...woke up to silence this morning and thought I would go out of my mind.  Now, the thoughts running through my head are just as annoying.  I could tell that time away was getting to him.  He can try to say it isn't, but I know him better then anyone.  I know him better then he knows himself.  Dustin did say he went to church today.  The word he used was "amazing".  At the present moment, the one thing I am most proud of is that I taught him how to have faith in God.  Right now, it is the most familiar thing to him.  He did exactly what I taught him.  Look to God.  We joke around and try to hide just how dangerous what he is going to be doing is.  But deep down, we both know.  Oh, he is ready and excited about it.  Just missing everyone.  I have told him to keep a clear head and stay focused.  The last thing he needs is to be distracted by silly things or thoughts, right now.  In some ways, I think the disconnect will be good for him, until the letters from home start to come.  Hard to admit to myself, trust me.  I have always explained the importance of checking in and keeping in touch.  But with no outside influences, it gives him less to think about.  I did ask him about care packages.  He asked that if anyone sends him anything, to please, keep it to cards and letters.  Care packages have a way of drawing attention to individuals.  Even if you share with everyone, they come back to haunt all of the guys.  I am good with that.  Doing the things he asks is the one thing I can do to help make it better for him.  He is along way from home and needs that.  So, cards and letters it is.  I am going to go out of my mind for the next nine weeks.  To be honest, from everything I am hearing...AIT might not be much better.  Has to do with his specialty.  Remember there is reason and purpose behind everything the military does.  At least, he will be busy.  This processing phase hard on him.  Dustin never could sit still.  He is used to being busy and moving.  So, once he is, it will be easier for him.  I am the first to admit that I have no idea what is going through his head.  He is so ready for this.  He may not remember this (and would probably be mad for me bringing it up)...but when he was in 8th grade, he got in trouble for a paper he wrote for school.  In the paper, he had to write about what you wanted to be when he grew up.  Let's just say, it wasn't something any parent wanted to hear come from their child.  He got in so much trouble.  Little did I know how close to true it would be.  I have accepted it.  Partially because I have to.  Mostly because I love and support him, no matter what.  I know why he is doing it.  I also remind myself that he had choices and this is what he chose.  But him and I are learning that sometimes fighting for what you believe in comes at great cost and sacrifice. 

So, that is it.  Don't know when I will hear from him again.  Could be 9 weeks, could be less.  He won't have his address till the end of this week.  Shelby and I are going to Hallmark  to buy postcards that we can pre-address and stamp for him.  That way, he can save time and drop them in the mail when he gets a chance.  He is more likely going to write if the hard stuff is taken care of.  To be honest, I don't care if he writes "I am Fine" and leaves it at that.  Just enough to let me know he is okay.  lol!  We moms are funny that way.  I did tell him about how many page views the blog has gotten.  I told him I had plans on trying to make it a place that would do good things.  He was very happy about that.  I will be trying to add some new pages, useful information, and a page to honor those in uniform (past, present, and future).  It is the least I can do.  Probably doesn't matter to some (or anybody for that matter).  But it does to him and I.  In the end, it is all that matters.  Many live lives without a second thought.  They never think about the impact they could have or the legacy they could leave.  There is so much negativity in the world today.  God has a plan for Dustin, for our family, and for everyone.  We just have to be willing to hand ourselves over to Him.  The one thing I know for certain, is that if something does happen, I will not let my son be just a statistic.  He will be known and why he is doing it will be remembered.  That is the true meaning behind my every post.  Too many are forgotten.  Much love and many blessings!!!!                  

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