Monday, June 24, 2013

Gotta Love the U.S. Postal System...

Well, we got another letter, today, from Dustin.  I am so impressed with the U.S. Postal System, right now.  He mailed the letter on the 21st, and we got it today.  Or maybe it is that I am just happy to be getting things from him.  lol!  Dylan was so funny.  He went out to check the mail and wouldn't let me have it when he came in.  He proceeded to sit in Paul's chair, put his feet up, and open the letter.  lol!!!  He was so excited.  However, Shelby was a little upset.  she has been gone the last two times we have gotten letters.  She misses her brother so much.  Hopefully, in two weeks (if he is allowed to call), she will be home to talk to him.  Dustin's letter was very positive.  To be honest with you, I did not expect to receive another one for a while.  So, it made my day.  He loves the Army.  He likes his Drill Sergeant's, as well.  You could sense a little bit of home sickness, but that is to be expected.  He did say he was in Group A, out of A, B, and C for his physical training.  I am not sure what that means, but he said it was good.  He also asked if we could send him some personal hygiene products.  Apparently, he asked if they could have Axe, and the Drill Sergeant's were okay with it.  I guess he got a Bible from the Chaplain and said he had been reading it every night.  I am so proud of that.  It is proof that if you raise your kids with God, at some point, they will look to Him for strength and guidance.  I have noticed that his writing is getting better.  Not that it matters to me, because as long as he is writing, I really don't care.  lol!!!!  I could never describe the feeling that it gives me to know how well he is adjusting.  I am sure it is harder then he tells us.  However, Dustin being who he is, does not want me to worry more then I would.  The crazy thing is that as he gets further into this, the better I feel about it. 

Through all this I have been able to read posts by other loved one's on the Facebook page and see photos of the other soldiers (none of Dustin yet).  It makes me feel better knowing I am not the only one going through all this.  I have also found healing in encouraging some of them.  Maybe this is God's plan for me...I don't know.  All I know is that it is a lot easier to help others through it, then to sit here and let my mind wonder.  Or maybe it is the nurse in me...who knows.  lol!!  I have found other things to fill my time.  I am working on some new recipes and posts for my other blog, among other things.  All I know is that I could never get through this without all of you.  Your support means so much to Paul and I.  More then that, it means the world to Dustin.  He is so happy when I tell him about all the kind wishes and support.  He is going to flip when he sees all the page views this blog has gotten.  When I started this, it was just away for us to keep family, friends, and the rest of the town up to date.  It has sort of turned into a whole new meaning.  Not just for me, but others.  I am still working on a few things for it.  But so far, I am very happy with how it is coming along.  I want tot be able to add photos of other soldiers.  So, if you would like to have their picture on the "In Honor" page.  Please send me a picture.  I am not sure if it will let you post them yourself, but you are welcome to try.  I ask that you add name, rank, branch, and who they belong to.  It would be a great addition to this site, just in time for the 4th of July.  I want this blog to be for everyone, not just me.  Much love and many blessings!!!!      

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