Thursday, June 20, 2013

Short But...Oh So Sweet!!!!

As many of you know, yesterday was not a good day.  Top that off with the fact that we started packing up some of his stuff for the was a horrible day.  Who knew that one room could hold so much sentiment.  I laughed, cried, and cussed (if you have seen the boys room, you would understand.  lol!).  Today, however, I came back from my doctors appointment and there were two letters waiting for me.  One was from Dustin and the other was from his Commander.  I tell you, it made my day.  He really, really likes the Army.  Boot camp sucks (it is suppose to), but he really likes it.  Talked about making a lifelong career out of it.  I have spoken about my wish for my children to find what they love.  I think Dustin has done just that.  Knowing this helps me so much.  That is all I want for each of my children.  Yes, on my mission to be the best darn Army Mom on the planet, I have already been to the post office.  lol!  I sent him some paper, self-addressed envelopes (he took stamps with him), and a couple of cards.  Not only will it make writing easier for him, but it gave me something I could do to help.  I have been going out of my mind trying to think of things I could do or send to make it easier for him.  He apologized for the paper he was using, stating he hadn't had a chance to get to the PX yet.  So, there was my first mission.  Silly boy, just the fact that he wrote is enough.  It is funny how we get cranky about doing everyday things like laundry, being taxi, and other mom and dad stuff.  You don't realize how much you want to do those things until they aren't here to do them for anymore.  I view everything as a blessing, now.  Not just for Dustin, but Shelby and Dylan, as well.  Someday, they will be off on their own and won't need us to do those things anymore.  It really does become a part of who we are as parents.  I have learned to cherish and learn from everything.  Even the bad moments.

I do have Dustin's address.  A dear friend of his also has it, but we ask that you ask his family for it, please.  His grandparents and other family haven't even gotten it yet.  Once the family has it, I will gladly send it to whoever messages me with the request.  You can leave me a message here, or message me on Facebook.  Sorry to be so private, but it is something we all have to get used to.  Better start now.  Not just that, but according to the Commander's letter (although they encourage letters from home), there is a certain way to address his mail to ensure he gets it.  Keep in mind that he is very busy, and the mailing system while in Boot Camp can be unreliable.  You might mail him something on the 25th and it might take him 2 weeks to get it.  He does ask that, at least until AIT, we keep it to letters and cards.  Once he is in AIT, care packages might mean less sit-ups and push-ups.  lol!!!!  Believe me, I have heard and read stories.  Once again, Dustin and our family are truly grateful for all your support.  I am sure that, once the mail starts rolling in, Fort Sill and the U.S. Army are going to be well acquainted with Beaverton, Mi..  Not only that, but they will realize that we are the most supportive town ever.  We love our country.  We love our town.  We especially love our soldiers.  But more then any of that, we take care of our own.  I am so proud of where we come from.  You are all so special to us.  Much love and many blessings!  Oh yeah...and HOOAH!!!!!               

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