Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Picture!!!

Well, he is completed with processing.  Sent this picture to me today.  I asked him how the uniform felt.  His answer was, "Comfy".  That tells me that he is happy with his decision.  I know he is feeling homesick, right now.  He told me many have quit and one has gone AWOL, already.  It has to be mentally exhausting to see all that.  It has to have some emotional effect on a person.  Dustin is stronger then this.  I know in my heart he can do this.  As a mother, I worry so much.  I was starting to think that maybe I was the over protective mother my kids always accused me of being.  However, after reading and listening to people's stories, I know what I am feeling is normal.  Isn't it funny how you put everything into raising your children, and when they hit 18, you still are putting just as much into it as you did when they were little.  Paul and I may not have been the best parents in the world, but we have always taught our children the importance of giving back.  Dustin was listening all that time.  Dylan finally stayed the night at a friends house for the first time last night since Dustin left.  We were starting to get really worried.  He has been so clingy and quiet.  Hopefully, this is a sign that things are starting to get to a new normal here.  Shelby did what she always does...turns into everyone's little mother.  She is going to be such a great mom some day.  She doesn't even see the potential in herself.  Paul keeps busy, as do I.  I have been working on some things for the blog and working on getting our house in order for moving.  The hardest moments are the quiet ones when my mind takes over my thoughts.  Funny how the mind can have so much power over you.  I continue to pray for Dustin and his friends.  They all need it.  I have put myself out there and asked Dustin that if there is anyone who needs some encouragement to let me know.  That I would write and send cards to them too.  Everyone should have someone.  Especially when they are going through this process.  He will officially be starting Basic tomorrow.  This is going to be the hardest part for all of us.  At least until his first deployment.  Which brings a whole new world of uncertainty.  Thank you again for all your support and love.  Thank you, also, for letting Dustin and I share this experience with you.  I know that is why he sends pictures when he can.  I know it helps us get through it.  I think it does him too.  He wants us to see and experience the things he does.  He also wants to show us the world, right along with him.  It is a special gift.  I will post more later.  Just wanted to share his new photo with you all.          

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