Saturday, June 15, 2013

Still Waiting...

So, Dustin has been at BCT since Thursday.  The last time we spoke to him in anyway was Wednesday night.  As I stated news is good news.  At least, that is what I keep telling myself.  Like any mom, I worry.  I worry about the heat.  Is he handling it okay?  Is he homesick and how is that effecting him?  There are times I sit here and wonder what he is doing, right now.  Somehow, I find comfort in the fact that he was so excited to just get started.  I had no idea that the processing would take as long as it did.  Dustin had said that there were over 200 of them waiting to be processed in the beginning.  Even with all the ones that went home, it still had to take some time.  It's funny.  The nurse in me is always reminding him to drink lots of water and wash his hands.  He laughs at me.  Then, he tells me that with all the shots he has gotten, there is no way he will be getting sick anytime soon.  One thing Dustin has never been afraid of is needles.  He is a regular blood donor and has been dealing with them for some time now.  I did some research.  It seems that even once we are able to start writing him, the letters may not get to him right away or out of sequence.  So, I have been very careful to date the ones I have already written.  All that matters is that he gets them, in my opinion.  I know they will help him get through this.  Shelby and I were sitting here the other night talking about how hard and intense Basic has to be.  It cracks us up when we here people say "Have fun."  Inside we think, it's Boot isn't suppose to be fun.  However, somehow, we know that Dustin will see certain parts of it as fun.  It is just how his mind works.

I look around and it is like he hasn't really left.  His car is still in the yard.  Clothes still on the floor.  We are still trying to make out all the thank you cards from his Open House.  There just wasn't enough time for him to get them all done.  There were so many to thank.  We figured it out and between the Open House and everything else we probably have at least 250, if not closer to 300.  With my arthritis, it has taken longer then I had hoped.  I was hoping to be able to include his address in them.  But since we are still waiting for that, it isn't possible.  Then there is the packing and moving into the new house.  A part of me feels so awful that he won't be here to enjoy it with us.  Somehow, I feel as if I am leaving him out.  I know that it sounds crazy, because we aren't.  It is just how I feel.  My one saving grace in all of this is my family.  I have the most wonderful kids and husband.  Along with my parents, they are getting me through this better then even I expected.  Dylan's humor and Shelby's smile are always enough to brighten me up.  I worry about them so much.  Shelby is going into her Senior year of high school and I know that she is upset that Dustin won't be able to be here for those important moments.  Both the boys always helped her pick out her clothes and formal dresses.  She made the comment yesterday that if Dustin was going to be able to be home, that she would wait until the very last minute to go buy her Homecoming dress.  All she cares about is that he is here to share that moment with her.  We looked at the school calendar for next year and did some figuring.  The way Homecoming falls next year, it looks like he might miss it by one week.  We were hoping it would be the first full weekend in October (as it has been the last couple of years).  I guess some things we can't control.  But we keep praying it will work out.  Then there is Prom, Senior pictures, graduation, and her Open House.  All events she wanted to share with him, but now we aren't even sure if he will be able to be here for any of them.  Then there is Dylan, who has had more quiet moments then I think he ever has (if you know him, that is saying a lot).  He has finally started getting out of the house.  However, he has expressed his hope that Dustin can catch at least one football game.  Considering the news we got this week, we don't even know if he will be in the country, let alone able to make any of these events.  My heart breaks for them.  There really is no way to make it better.  "I'm sorry" doesn't even seem to touch it.  They know we have no control over the situation.  They are very proud of Dustin, and love him even more for what he is doing.  But it doesn't take away the emptiness they feel.  This is the one drawback to raising such a close knit family.  However, one good point is that we are able to get each other through. 

Tomorrow is Father's Day.  It is the first one that Dustin will spend away from home.  I know it will be hard for Paul.  I am sure it won't be easy on Dustin, either.  The three of us have planned a spectacular dinner for Paul.  Smothered Chicken and all the fixings.  We are hoping to take him down to Hallmark to pick out cards and stationary for Dustin.  I know it isn't going to be easy for him, but the three of us will be there.  I am sure he will be one of the proudest dads on the planet tomorrow.  However, it won't be the same.  The one glimmer of hope is that we have been told that, sometimes, the Drill Sargent's will let them call home on Father's Day.  My fingers are crossed.  That would be the best Father's Day gift Paul could receive.  Our family would like to wish all the Father's out there the Happiest Father's Day.  We pray that whatever you are doing, you are save and blessed.  We appreciate all of you so much.  You are all so wonderful.  Much love and many blessings.                        

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