Saturday, June 15, 2013


Funny how the phone ringing around 8 p.m. stimulates so much excitement around here.  The first phone call was at 8 p.m..  It was my mother in-law.  Then it rang again about 8:30 p.m..  Low and behold, it was Dustin.  To be honest we didn't expect to hear anything before tomorrow if at all for the next couple of weeks.  Talk about excitement.  The whole house was a buzz of smiles and questions.  Shelby was next door at my mother-in-laws and ran home.  I think that was the fastest I have ever seen her move.  Especially where one of her brothers is concerned.  lol!!  He did say that he only had a couple of minutes to talk and just called to let us know he was okay.  He also said that he would be mailing a letter with his address on it within the next day or so.  It is exactly what I expected.  He sounded so happy.  I asked him if he liked it.  He said that he liked it "a lot".  He sounded better then anytime we had spoken to him before.  He got to say "Hi" and "I love you" to all four of us.  Just this simple little conversation meant so much to all of us.  He truly does sound like he is in a good place mentally.  As parents, it made Paul and I feel so good about his decision.  Dustin has never been able to hide things from us very well.  We could always tell from his tone and the words he used how he was feeling.  To be honest, I could tell he had no regrets.  Truly, all I have ever asked of the kids is that they are happy doing what they choose.  The tone in his voice and the way he spoke only led us to believe that he is where he needs to be.  We talk about being proud of him for making the choice to serve his country.  We are also very proud of the fact that he chose to follow his heart and pursue his dreams.  Not everyone gets that opportunity.  Add that to his need to make a difference and help others, and we are two parents who feel like we have more then we deserve.  Don't get me wrong.  The worry and concern are great.  We know that it is dangerous.  We also worry about the affects the decisions he will have to make and the things he will see will have on him.  Physically and mentally it will be hard on him and us.  However, like with everything else, we will be there for him.  I have always taught my children that sometimes the things worth having in life, don't come easy.  Oh but when you get there...the journey and what you gained in wisdom are so worth it.  It is the greatest feeling in the world.  It is how I felt about becoming a nurse.  It is how he feels about becoming a soldier.  Two completely different ambitions, but the passion is the same.  This mom gets it.  Even with the tears, worry, and everything else involved...I get it.  I have often said that one of the greatest things I have ever done in my life is decided to marry Paul and have my children.  They are the best family any mother/wife could ask for.  My greatest blessings.  The other great thing in my life I have accomplished is to become a nurse.  I absolutely and completely am satisfied and love what I do.  I love that it not only makes a difference in my life, but also in someone else's.  My hope for Dustin, Shelby, and Dylan is that someday they will feel the same.  Dustin is starting to realize his purpose in life, even if it is hard and comes with much sacrifice.  More then that, he is starting to learn that purpose, with passion behind it, is a very powerful thing.  It is that passion, along with his faith in God, that will see him through the coming weeks.  It is that passion that will get him through long after BCT and AIT.  As soon as I get his address I will pass it on.  I know that it seems like it is taking so long, but remember everything happens on the U.S. Army's time clock.  I have prepared both the kids not to expect to hear anything for a while.  I am sure they will keep him busy.  time will pass quicker for him then it does us, I am sure.  He sounded so good and that is enough for our family.  At least, for now.  Much love and many blessings!!!                             

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