Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red to White...

Well, we haven't gotten a letter since Friday.  I have to admit, I am a little disappointed by this.  I know, however, that he is working his tail off and probably has not had time to write.  I have been following the Battery's Facebook page and being able to keep up through that.  They post weekly pictures of the recruits during training exercises. This week, we were told, they will be working on the rifle range.  All I keep thinking, while I am reading the updates, is that Dustin is so in his element.  The boy was born with a gun in his hands.  Although, I was told they teach them how to shoot differently, I am sure he will rock the rifle range.  I think back to all those years I sit and got after my husband about letting the boys handle guns.  Oh, don't get me wrong!  He taught them well.  They not only gained a huge sense of passion for our natural resources and the great outdoors, but they are safe about it.  I just always worried about accidents.  I used to tell them, "That's why they call them accidents, you plan for them."  I guess when you combine nurse and mom, you get worry times two.  More then anything, I think about the sense of pride and connection it created between Paul and the boys.  Oh sure, every hunting season brings a new competition in this house.  Who can get the biggest deer.  Who can get the best shot.  It's truly an experience.  I have come to rely on the Bravo Battery Facebook page for most of my information.  It seems that the families all get different information.  I am sure it is due to the difference in Platoons and Drill Sergeants.  Not to mention, I am new to this whole Army mom thing.  So, I am learning as I go.  I have been able to get to know the families a little.  It helps me feel closer to Dustin in some small way.  They are a great group of supporters and have made me feel like what I am going through is, somewhat, normal.  We were told that they will be deciding whether or not to Phase them into White Phase this weekend.  This is great news!  It means we might get a phone call this weekend.  No guarantee's.  But it does give us something to hope for.

No mail tomorrow, due to the Fourth of July.  We plan on spending it with my family.  This years holiday will definitely seem different.  It will be strange not to have Dusty here to overtake the grill.  He loves to cook out.  I am not sure, yet, how I will be affected.  The meaning has taken a new perspective.  I never really thought twice about the Veterans that marched in the parades.  Being the daughter of a soldier, it is what it is.  It's a way of life.  When dad retired, we still had pictures, souvenirs, and the good old American pride that comes from living a military life.  But it was different, we were civilians.  That meant no more moves, no more dropping everything when the phone rang, and we knew daddy was coming home at night.  I never thought in a million years that one of those soldiers marching would be my own son years later.  I was a proud soldiers daughter (still am).  But I am an even prouder soldiers mom.  So, this year, I will celebrate with more pride, love, and adoration then I have ever felt.  Flags flying, tomorrow, will mean more then just a celebration of Independence.  They will mean a sense of duty, love, and family.  This feeling will be everyday, not just the holiday.  Some will see stars and stripes.  This Army Mom will see her sons face and feel the love that he has for this country.  Fire works will be more then loud, sparkly sounds of thunder in the dark.  They will be the twinkle my son had in his eyes the first time he put on that Army uniform.  And someday, with God's grace, he will be one of those veterans marching in the 4th of July parade.  Sounds corny?  Maybe...but it is how I feel.  I ask that you continue to pray for Dustin and the rest of the soldiers this holiday.  Truly, if it was not for them, we would not have reason to celebrate.  I pray for all the other soldiers out matter where they are.  May God keep them safe.  And may their families know that there are people out there who care and are grateful for everything they have given.  I also would like to thank all of you have supported us through this.  We could never have imagined the kindness you have shown.  I added a picture of the banner that everyone signed for Dustin before he left.  It truly is amazing.  It also holds as a reminder of where he comes from.  He has stated that the names on this banner are more then just names...they are his family.  Happy Independence Day to you all.  Much love and many blessings!!!!               

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