Sunday, July 7, 2013

At Long Last...

Well, as many of you know, our long awaited phone call cam at around 6pm tonight.  I have spent the day sitting and waiting.  Woke up a complete mess this morning.  We were not told what time he would be calling.  So, I was afraid to go anywhere.  We had all just settled to watch television and there it was.  The sweet ring of the land line phone.  I answered the phone and those magic words came from the other end,  "Hi, Momma."  Oh I just about lost it.  I sensed the tears starting when he heard my voice, so I took a deep breath and pulled it together.  We put him on speaker phone so that he could talk to the four of us and Bella (his dog) could hear his voice.  I did not, however, tell him about her.  He needs the motivation and she is on the mend.  Did not see it necessary, right now.  It was the craziest thing.  I hadn't spoken with him in three weeks and when I get the chance...I freeze right up.  So, did everyone else.  It was almost funny.  He loves shooting the M16.  He said it is very different and kicks like thunder.  But he is having fun.  Said he didn't think it was as hard as he expected.  He did say that, if they did well, they would be able to call every Sunday.  Oh I can't tell you how much that means to me.  He sounded so good.  He absolutely loves it.  At his request, I placed his address on Facebook.  It is still slow getting mail to him, but he is eager to see how everyone is doing.  I did not get a chance to ask him about the people he has made friends with.  However, I was able to tell him about his Aunt and I coming to Graduation.  I think it made his day.  He was so excited after that.  He is working hard and we are so proud.

It's funny how you sit and wonder if they miss you, as much as you miss them.  I can tell you...they so do.  The most bittersweet moment came after the phone call.  Paul picked Bella up and took her outside to do her thing.  She walked!!!!  All the meds, slipped disk, and cancer didn't have the power that Dustin's voice did.  Oh she stumbled...a lot.  She was a completely different dog.  She is a fighter, just like him.  Love is a powerful emotion.  But the love between a boy and his dog is a magical healing power of its own.  As a nurse, I have seen some pretty remarkable things.  I will never, however, understand the power that love has on the sick and wounded.  It isn't anything medicine, science, or modern technology can compare to.  The sound of that special voice, the touch of a hand, the kiss on the forehead.  The simplest, yet best medicine.  We know this as mothers.  No one knows our children like we do.  We see there faces, and we know what they are thinking.  We hear their voices, we know what they are feeling.  It is so hard to be so far and not be able to just put him in my arms and hold him.  Never letting him go.  But that is not possible.  So I put on a smile and start giving the words of encouragement I always have.  There it was, the change in his voice.  A good change.  The excitement, love, happiness that came over the phone was proof.  Proof that no matter how far away they are, it matters what you say, think, and do.  It was healing for me too.  God, I love that kid.  I love all my kids more then words can express.  I never thought that three other people could bring me so much love and happiness.  They are blessings I often wonder what I did right to deserve.

Many of you watched this afternoon as some of the other families went through the same thing we did.  They are awesome people.  Some of us are sending cards and letters to each others children and husbands, along with the soldiers that have no one.  We are dependent on our own soldiers getting us the names of those who need a little encouragement for one reason or another.  I invite you to check out Bravo Battery Boosters Facebook page.  It is where we families and supporters tend to do much of our corresponding.  I have had the privilege of getting know some of these women/men.  The are as inspiring as their soldiers.  Also there are weekly photos (and sometimes videos) posted I will try to share with you all on my Facebook page.  Look for Red (or red beads hanging from collar) Vest #37.  that is Dustin.  But all the soldiers are working so hard.  They all deserve so much credit.  The pictures and videos are interesting and serve as a reminder that what they are doing is hard work and serious stuff.  As always, I thank you so much.  I never expected all the love and support you have shown.  This blogged just served as way for me to keep family and friends updated.  It also was a way for me to express my feelings.  I never thought there would be so many others who felt the same.  I am so glad it is helping people.  More then that, I am so glad that it has brought so much support to our troops (Dustin included).  You have laughed with me, cried with me, and just plain put up with me.  You are wonderful people.  I can only hope and pray that God blesses your lives as much as you have me and my family.  Much love and many blessings!!!!                    

1 comment:

  1. Just a little side note to friends and family...Dustin is asking for pictures (tasteful, of course). So, if you have any you can spare to send him that would be awesome. It would also bring a huge smile to his face. Thanks again!!!
