Sunday, July 21, 2013

Army Mom Thoughts...

Well, the phone call came today.  This time it was just before 3pm.  I hadn't expected it that early.  The trend has been for him to call around 6pm.  It was so funny.  The phone rang and Shelby went to check the caller I.D. and just about jumped out of her skin.  She was so excited she couldn't even say anything.  All she could do was shake her hands and hand me the phone to answer it.  Ha!  If you could have seen her face.  It was priceless!  I answered the phone and there he was.  His voice sounded so good.  It is easy to tell he is happy.  Once he started talking, he just kept talking.  Ha!  That is what he does when he is excited.  It is also how I know he is doing so well.  He did say that he got expert for his grenade throwing.  He was disappointed with his shooting but did qualify.  He said it is definitely different shooting at moving targets.  I all I could think.  He went to say that he was very, very excited about AIT.  I can't tell you how much it eases me to know that he is doing so well and absolutely loving it.  He sounded so grown up.  He thanked everyone who has written him.  He loves getting mail.  He did get more time this week to talk.  But I could hear the Drill Instructor come in and say time was up.  Quickly told him I love him and let him go, as to not get him into any trouble.  He had told me that the only health issues he has had were due to his allergies.  Apparently, he went and got checked out an they gave him the proper meds and is fine now.  I am so glad that is all he has had problems with.  Pneumonia and pink eye seem to be going around quite a bit.

Today's phone call was so great.  However, I found myself in a state of limbo.  I felt caught between depression and excitement.  It is so hard to be encouraging and supportive on that phone, and so easy at the same time.  Hard because you want to reach through that phone and just grab them.  You want to throw your arms around them and never let then go.  Easy because they are your child and you want nothing but the best and success for them.  Someone made a comment earlier that I had no clue as far as how much talking to him helped.  At first, I have to say that it upset me very much.  Trust one knows more then I do.  Then I quickly reminded myself that this is another one of those stupid sayings people just blurt out without thinking about what they are saying and how it effects you.  (Which reminds me, I have to work on that list of things you should never say to an Army mom for this blog.  Ha!)  Believe me, Army moms have more then just a clue.  We live it every single day, night, and minute.  There is not a time that goes by that we do not worry.  We raised these soldiers into the men and women the have become.  We not only "have a clue", we are the ones who have to pick up the pieces when something happens.  Not just the pieces of not doing well in BCT.  Oh no!!!  The pieces when they loss a friend in the line of duty.  We are the ones who have to take care of their families when they are deployed.  The ones who take care of them if they are ever hurt.  We sweep up the pieces when one of their friends, wife, or girlfriends breaks their heart because they decide they can't handle the lifestyle and decide to leave them while they are off on some mountain side somewhere fighting to stay alive.  This is real life, not pretend.  Sometimes, I think it is hard for others to remember that.  They are so caught up in the "coolness" of his job or that he wears an Army uniform.  It is hard for them to see the reality.   This is my sons life, and ours.  It is dangerous, worrisome, and full of uncertainty.  Yes, we are proud.  However, it is I and his father, who have to pick up the pieces if (God forbid) something ever happens to him.  Then we have to try and find a way to carry on without him.  Trust me there is nothing that will keep that out of the back of any Military parents/spouses mind.  As I stated, I am sure the comment was not intended to cause any upsetting emotions.  It just shows the type of things that run through an Army moms head when simple little comments are made and at the wrong time.  I felt really bad for being upset by it.  Dustin would have told me not to worry about it.  He has always been able to just let things roll of his back like they are nothing.  He did not get that from me, by the way.

Many of the soldiers seem to be doing well.  It has added ease to many of us mothers.  I think that we are able to fill our time with writing some of the other soldiers as helped so much.  It makes us all feel so good.  Not only that, it has brought us all closer.  I can remember my mom doing things like throwing parties, buying gifts, and making dinner for many of the soldiers my dad worked with when we were stationed away from home.  Sometimes, you are the only form of family they have.  It is a different kind of family bond that is formed.  Many of these relationships go on for years.  I know, now, why she enjoyed it so much.  The feeling it gives you is unexplainable.  It is a blessing to be able to do it.  More people should.  Much love and many blessings!!!!!                    

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