Sunday, May 24, 2015

I Am More...

As tomorrow aproaches, I can't help but think of those that have given everything to defend our country, it's people, and it's freedoms.  A country that many strive their entire life and give so much to be a part of.  People from all walks of life.  Freedoms that so many take for granted.  It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.  Not just for the service members lost, but the families who miss them everyday.  Think about it.  Tomorrow there will be a wife missing her husband knowing that their next anniversary will be celebrated alone.  There is a child that will be thinking that their parent will not be there to watch them blow the candles out on their next birthday cake.  A mother who will never have the pleasure of watching her son open presents this Christmas, and so many more.  To these people they are more then just soldiers lost.  They are apart of a life that was once known and a reminder that the life ahead will never be the same.

Maybe I am sentimental a bit because I feel I could find myself in any of these situations at any time.  If there is one thing my life has taught me, it is to be grateful for the ones in my life.  You see I am more then an Army brat.  I am a daughter of a man who sacrificed holidays and firsts to serve this country.  I am more then an Army mom.  I am a mother who stays awake at night fearing the unknown.  I am more then the mom to a daughter who is soon to be a wife of an Airman.  I am a mother who worries if her daughter or daughter in law will ever have to know the devastation of having to raise my grand child as a single mother.  I am more then the grandmother to a Military child.  I am the grandmother who wonders if the time will come when the only thing she has to share of their fathers are pictures and memories.   I have learned to not dwell on these things.  But the reality is always there.  The reality is there are people in our own communities who are already experiencing these things.

So, tomorrow I ask that you take a moment to remember those that have given so much.  Soldiers and loved ones alike.  It's not about you.  It's not about me.  It is about them.  I pray that no soldier or their family member is forgotten.  I pray for those lost and for those still with us.  It is a simple gesture.  It takes a few secomds, but can make a last impact.  Hope you all enjoy the weekend!  Most of all, may we never forget why we celebrate it.  Much love and many blessings!

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