Saturday, March 7, 2015

It's Been A While...

Hello, my dear friends.  I know it has been a very long time.  Such a busy and adventurous year and a half.  Part of the reason for my absence has been illness.  Another part has been privacy.  After everything, we just felt the need to take a step back and let our soldier have at least some of his life to his self.  So much has happened.  I hardly know where to start.  First thing is that I have gained a wonderful daughter in law.  That's right, our soldier got married.  It was fast, but it was so right.  They are perfect together.  Our daughter is engaged.  And, yes, she is marrying an Airman.  So much for taking a step back.  He is a wonderful young man.  High school sweethearts, just like her parents.  You can just see the love in their eyes when they look at each other.  We are also watching has many of our children's close childhood friends are joining the service and paving their own paths.  We are so proud of them all.  I am so blessed to be able to offer advice and comfort to their friends and family.  It is what has brought me back to this blog.  I never want any soldier or their family to feel alone.  While it is one of the proudest moments, it can be one of the hardest.  I remember those feelings all too well.  So plan on seeing more of me.  We are busy with wedding plans, right now.  However, I will try to post more.  Working on getting back into sending cards and packages, now that I am doing better.  I am still in complete awe at the support our family and our soldier still receive.  It is so heartwarming.  The biggest lesson I have learned this past year and a half is that life doesn't adjust to you.  You adjust to it.  You learn to trust your child, and his instincts.  You need to give them space, while still letting them know you are there for them.  Finally, there does come a moment when you know that they are doing what is best for them.  The fear and the missing them never goes away.  You just learn to deal and pray through it.

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