Thursday, June 6, 2013

Precious Words!!!

Well, it would seem that all the crap Paul and I caught a couple of years ago for letting our children have unlimited text messaging is turning out to be our last laugh.  Last night Dustin sent a text to let us know that he gets his phone at 7pm (1900 Army time) and is able to text until 8 (2000).  At least for now.  I can not tell you how excited I was to hear something from him.  I had forgotten that he was in a different time zone.  So when it is 7pm here it is 6pm there.  He simply stated that he was ok and would have an address next Thursday or Friday.  I often joke that texting is my main form of contact with my kids.  I never knew it would hold so much truth as it does right now.  It wasn't much, but it was enough to put this Army mom and dads hearts at ease.  Now, we don't know how long that it will last, but it works for now.  I sit here and wonder how many other moms and dads are going through what Paul and I are right now.  How many are sitting there waiting for a message, phone call, or letter.  Dustin has never been one to handwrite out much of anything.  I was very sure that we wouldn't get much in the lines of letters from him.  So, I thought I would be sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring.  Texting is a blessing right now.  Our phones will be attached to our hips.  However, there are some rules that I feel I need to explain. 

Like with everything else, the Army has rules about the type of information and how much we should use.  There is a purpose for everything in the Military.  The purpose here is to keep our Soldiers and us safe.  The rules may seem silly to some, but to a soldier and his family it is like a life preserver.  Paul and I ask that you continue to post on your support and items for Dustin.  However, we ask that you try to follow these rules the best you can.  If we all start now, by the time he is out and in his duty station, we will be used to it.  I copied and pasted the address for a very helpful flyer:  It is simple and explains everything so we civilians can understand it.  The name they give it is OPSEC (Operations Security).  Let's face it, if there weren't bad people in this world, Dustin wouldn't be doing what he is.  They will stop at nothing to gain the info. they seek, even trying to get it from families and friends.  I thank you so much.  This is not just important for Dustin's safety, it is important for all of our safety.  Bet you never thought you'd have to think about this stuff, uh?  Ya, me either!  But it is a new world we live in.  If you have any questions, I will try to answer them the best I can or direct you to a place we can find it.  As I stated before, I am learning as I go, as well.  So, be patient with me. 

Today was a much better day.  Except for dealing with the car insurance company, and trying to get the car insurance straightened around.  (That is a whole other story.  Let's just say that we are starting to feel the stress of trying to explain things that we don't even have answers for.)  Paul and I got some much needed sleep.  We have been just drained emotional, physically, and mentally by all of this.  Shelby and Dylan have been helping out to get this house back into shape.  In true Crowl fashion, we have pulled together and are dealing with all this new information in a very constructive way.  I am still joking that I don't understand why he couldn't have just wanted to be a cook.  It's hard enough to send him off to the Army, as it is.  Knowing he is doing what he is going to be doing, has made it harder.  But we are dealing with it.  Dustin's true BCT date isn't until Monday.  This is like an orientation phase for him.  However, mom is going to start her boot camp training today.  Diet and exercise.  Rest, time with family, and relaxation when needed.  Trying to keep my health issues under control.  And somewhere in all that, moving when we get the word.  It is the best way I know how to spend this time.  It is also the best thing for him.  Dustin and I share a love of hard rock and heavy metal music.  Funny how something so harsh can bring so much comfort as well.  Heard the song "Trenches" today by Pop Evil and couldn't help but about Dustin.  It is like that song was wrote for his situation.  Crazy stuff, I tell ya.  Much love and many blessings.   



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