Tuesday, December 10, 2013

'Tis The Season...

Hello, my good friends.  I know I have been absent recently.  Let's just say it has been a long and hard couple of months.  I spent much of October and November under the weather.  Feeling better now, however.  As for our soldier, he had to spend his first holiday and nineteenth birthday away from home.  I am so grateful for his new found military friends and family.  It is so nice to know that he is not alone.  It is hard, but knowing that he is not alone brings me some comfort.  So much has happened in the last couple of months.  By now you all are aware that Dustin will not be coming home for Christmas.  Not something that I am exactly happy about.  Christmas has always been my favorite holiday.  It was hard enough to deal with the fact that Christmas was going to be tight with me being sick and just getting back to work.  Not having him here has made it even harder to get into the spirit.  It hasn't exactly been easy for him to accept either.  It's funny...you sit and hear or read about how people get frustrated with loved ones.  Paul and I would give anything to have Dustin here to frustrate us.  lol!!  Some just don't know how lucky they really are.  With knowledge of him not coming home also came news that it is very possible he will be deployed sometime next year.  This is not exactly the news any family member wants to hear, not especially at Christmas time.  This means, we are not sure he will be here next Christmas either.  I have to admit that we knew deep down that this would come to pass.  However, it doesn't make it easier.  The last thing any parent wants for their child is to be in harms way.  Paul, the kids, family, and I have learned to lean on each other.  Tears have become a regular thing around here for Shelby and I.  She misses her brother so badly.  One minute she is all giggles and the next she is teary-eyed and the words, "I miss my bother" come out.  Then of course, this causes a chain reaction.  I become a mess.  Paul just holds us.  Then there is Dylan, bless his heart, he tries his best to make us laugh.  This is his way of dealing...laughter.  He misses his brother just as much as we do.  I can see it in his face whenever Dustin is mentioned.  As a mother, you hope that your children will grow to appreciate and be there for each other.  If there is one reward in all this, it is that Paul and I have seen the three of our children create bonds that no one can ever break.  Dustin says he is hoping to be home around the end of January.  However, we have learned that everything happens on the Army's timeline.  He still loves what he is doing.  He has also developed a soft spot for the south.  He absolutely loves Georgia.  He is going to freeze to death when he does come home.  lol!!!

Paul and I want to take this chance to thank everyone who has sent him and other troops cards, care packages, support, and prayers.  It has truly warmed our hearts with all the support you have given.  Trust me, he is still as much a Beaverton boy as he was when he left.  He misses home a lot.  He is so proud of where he comes from.  He is proud of the support and love you all show all troops.  His family is also.  I have seen Dustin grow in so many ways.  Some say he has changed.  He has changed.  He is no longer a kid.  He has grown up.  However, his caring and giving personality is still the same.  He has always been a "good guy".  I remember having a conversation about that with him once.  They say good guys always finish last.  Well, I think Dustin is proving that saying wrong.  Not only do good guys come in first, but they do it in a way that makes others look up to them.  Knowing this is what keeps Paul and I going.  We realize that while our son may not be home for Christmas, there are others out there going through worse.  We have always believed in giving back, but it has become more like a therapy now.  We may not always have the money to give, but there is always a kind word, a helping hand, or a simple hello with a smile.  I guess the general thought is that if a soldier can sacrifice everything he does, then we can surely take a minute to make someone's day better.  God has always seen us through any obstacle that has come our way.  He will get us through this.  Much Love and Many Blessings!!  Oh and Merry Christmas!!!  We hope it is a great time for you and your family and friends.  We hope it is filled with love, laughter, and memories that last a lifetime.  In the end, it is what this time of year is all about.  It might sound cliché, but it is true.  God Bless ;)