Thursday, October 3, 2013

At Last...

The big day has come.  AIT graduation.  We are all so proud of him.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't upset about not being able to be there.  However, I am so excited that Paul, the kids, and mom and dad could be.  I have taken the time alone to do some much needed reflection.  This has been a long and difficult process.  Yet, somewhere in the midst of all of it, there is so much pride and love.  The last four months have proven to be an adjustment for everyone.  For Dustin, it is the transformation from High School Graduate to being a soldier of the U.S. Army.  A task he has embraced wholeheartedly.  It doesn't just change the soldier, though.  It changes the family too.  I have found that over the last four months many things come to light.  One is that some will criticize.  They do so because they do not understand.  They want you to explain the feelings you have or the actions you take into words.  However, the part they don't get is that is impossible to do.  You do the things you do, because it is all you have.  It's not like you can just through your arms around your child when times get bad.  You fear for their well-being and you fear for their life.  You see, if something happens to my son, it is because someone intentionally set out to hurt him for fighting for what he believes in.  That is still something that is very hard for me to swallow.  In the process you form friendships with those who are going through what you are and can understand what that feels like.  Now, that we are to this point, I have no regrets of starting this blog or doing anything I have.  I see how many it has touched (yes, I read every message) and value the friendships I have made along the way.  Most of all, I see the pride that it has brought my soldier.  If that makes me selfish, then so be it.   I am sure, to some, it does seem that way.  However, I will not apologize for making my son, or any of my children, my number one priority.  The biggest lesson I have learned is that people really do care.  They just don't always know how to show it.  Not just friends and family, but people as a whole.  They support and love all our troops.  If you give them a way or a voice, they will express how they feel and how much the appreciate our soldiers.  To those that have, we are so grateful.  You have shown us so much love and support.  We could never repay you for everything.  I don't think there is a time when Paul, I, or the two kids don't get asked about Dustin.  Most generally it comes with a thank you and a message to him to say thank you.  We always try to make sure he gets the message.  He can not wait to come home.  We are hoping he will be home for Christmas, but as with everything else, will not know for sure until he is at his first duty station and gets settled.  I have to tell you, knowing he will be in one place for longer then 10 weeks is nice.  Also, Shelby and I are very excited to be able to send him goodies, finally.  He loves his homemade cookies.  Ha!

This process does change you.  It changes you as a mom, as a family, and as a human being.  Eighteen years ago I never dreamed we would be at this point.  For some reason, it is where the Lord has led us.  He has shown us so many things through it all.  I am now a true believer that if there is something or someone you believe in, then you should take action and do what you can to support it.  Don't sit and wait for someone to come to you to ask for help.  Take it upon yourself to reach out.  You will be rewarded in ways you never imagined.  I have found so much happiness in supporting Dustin and his fellow soldiers, as well has their families.  Oh it has been challenging.  But I have found ways to deal with those challenges.  It's worth all of it.  I have always told my children to do what makes them happy in life.  Finally I am taking my own advice.  I am in the process of pursuing some of the things that make me happy.  I love helping others and I love writing.  There is no feeling better then getting a thank you from a soldier for a simple card, or the feeling that I get when another Army mom reads my blog and lets me know that she felt alone until she read my blog.  Words have so much power.  We often forget that.  They can hurt a great deal, even leave scars.  On the other hand, they can encourage, inspire, and take you places you never thought you would go.  I hope to accomplish that here.  I encourage you all to do the same.

The two kids were so excited to be able to see their brother.  I am sure he was just as excited to see them too.  We try to include him as much as possible through texting, photos, and phone calls so that he doesn't miss too much.  He is always on our minds.  The simplest things will bring random comments or thoughts.  They seem to come out of the blue.  Sometimes with laughter, sometimes with tears.  You can tell when he text or calls.  The mood in this house elevates so much.  Dustin is going to Fort Stewart, Georgia.  He sounds happy about it.  I am just grateful his boots will still be on US soil.  I do not have an address yet.  As soon as I do, I will let you all know.  He would love to hear from you, I am sure.  As I previously stated, hopefully he will be home at Christmas.  Congratulations to all the soldiers who graduated today from AIT!  We are all so proud of you.  As always thank you for everything.  Much love and many blessings!!!